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Pour la mémoire de Sarah Halimi
Paul Atlan
Article mis en ligne le 21 avril 2021

L’émotion est immense dans le monde juif mais pas uniquement à propos de Sarah Halimi
En effet une manifestation est organisée à Paris dimanche à 14 h au Trocadéro mais également dans plusieurs capitales et particulièrement à Londres à la même heure devant l’Ambassade de France
L’universalité de ce drame n’est pas l’affaire du peuple juif seulement et la mémoire de Sarah Halimi doit être rappelée partout
Je suis Sarah Halimi : Solidarité witn French Jews

France’s highest court has ruled that an antisemitic murderer must not face justice because he was high. We are rallying with French Jews.
About this Event
In 2017, Sarah Halimi, a 65-year-old retired schoolteacher found a man in her Paris appartment. It was Kobili Traoré, who had subjected her to years of abuse. He savagely beat her, shouting “Allahu akhbar” and then hurled her from her window to her death, shouting “I killed the Shaitan [demon]”.
For months, French authorities refused to admit the antisemitic nature of his crime. Sarah Halimi’s murderer, a violent drug dealer, claimed that he had felt “possessed” because he was high on cannabis and should not be held responsible.
France’s highest court has agreed with him. Sarah Halimi’s family is now considering an appeal to the European Court of Human Rights.
In France today, it is possible to be sentenced to a year in prison for throwing a dog from a window, but if you hurl a Jew to their death whilst on drugs, you walk free.
For years, France has gradually betrayed its Jews by allowing antisemitism to run rampant, putting French Jews in fear.
This Sunday 25th April, to coincide with demonstrations in France, we will rally outside the Embassy of France in London to stand in solidarity with French Jews.
Please join us.
By agreement with the authorities, due to COVID-19 restrictions, only those who have registered to attend will be permitted entry to the enclosure. Capacity is limited, so please only register if you are certain you can attend.
If you wish to

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